Will I Lose Cellulite in the Buttocks After QWO® Injections?

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Cellulite is extremely common and notoriously difficult to treat. For those who are annoyed or embarrassed by the look of cellulite on the buttocks, the FDA has approved a new treatment called QWO (Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum-aaes) to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe cellulite in women.


Dr. Adam B. Bodian performs QWO injections at Bodian Dermatology and Medical Day Spa in Great Neck, NY, and can help you determine if the treatment is right for you.


Below, we’ll look at how the treatment may help patients troubled by cellulite in the buttocks and the kind of results it’s providing.

Why is cellulite so hard to get rid of?

The reason cellulite dimples are so hard to treat is that they’re not an issue of skin sagging. Instead, they’re the result of bands of collagen that attach the skin to muscle, tightening in a way that pushes fat cells out to produce divots in 85 – 90% of women. (Men get cellulite as well, but it’s far less common because the collagen beneath their skin is typically formed in a different way.)


Because we don’t know exactly why this happens, no treatment has been able to address the underlying cause and remove all of the cellulite. Even weight loss and fat removal treatments do not stop the mechanism that causes cellulite.

How does QWO treat cellulite on the buttocks?

QWO is a new injection and one of the first injections designed for cellulite. During the treatment, Dr. Bodian will inject a solution of collagenase clostridium histolyticum-aaes directly into cellulite dimples. Other treatments typically use blades to cut the collagen bands). Patients can receive multiple injections in a single treatment.


QWO injections work by targeting two types of collagen to chemically loosen the tight bands that tether the skin to the muscle. As a result, it has a smoothing effect on the skin and is a less invasive treatment that requires less downtime.


The best results are seen when patients get three treatments, each 21 days apart.


How effective is QWO for smoothing cellulite on the buttocks?


When receiving three sets of injections 21 days apart, there is typically visible evidence of cellulite reduction within ten weeks. Appointments for QWO injections take around ten minutes. The most common side effects are bruising, hardening of the treatment area, itching, redness, and swelling, which generally lasts a few days to weeks.

When can I return to normal activity after QWO treatments?

One of the great things about QWO injections is that it is a minimally invasive treatment, and you’ll have little to worry about as far as a recovery process. While we do recommend that you avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity for two days after the procedure, you’ll be able to resume most of your normal activities almost immediately.

QWO treatment in Great Neck, NY

Dr. Adam B. Bodian is committed to helping you get the body you want with various aesthetic treatments at Bodian Dermatology and Medical Day Spa in Great Neck, NY.


To find out if QWO treatment is right for you, schedule a private consultation with Dr. Bodian to build a personalized treatment plan.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.